Monday, February 25, 2013

Required awesomeness

Dear comrades in Honey Studies,

I miss you and hope that you are all doing well. You are always in my thoughts, hehe, and so I have a to-do for you--especially my 2:30 to 4:00 AS2 class (read: required). Students from other classes are welcome to join but it's okay if your schedules don't permit.

On February 28, from 2:00 to 4:00pm at PH 213-215, the UP Art Studies Society is pleased to offer a PRINTMAKING WORKSHOP to be facilitated by Angelo Magno. Now's your chance to get your hands art-dirty, you lucky peeps! We shall be taught two kinds of printmaking: monotype and relief. Materials will be provided.

Please leave a message at the tagboard if you read this. Those who don't will receive a text message.

Regular programming resumes next week. Until then, stay wonderful!

