Sunday, February 12, 2017

NSTP Common Module Syllabus

Course Title: Service to the Nation through Empowerment and Servant Leadership

Course Code: NSTP 1 (CWTS, ROTC, LTS)

Course Description: The course sets the basic framework of service to the Filipino people and the community as the basis for all NSTP courses. It will involve discussions on basic ideologies of service to the nation, attitudes in community organizing and the prescribed topics in the NSTP Act of 2001/NSTP IRR of 2009 – NSTP Orientation, Citizenship Training, Drug Education, Disaster Awareness Preparedness and Management, Environmental Protection and National Concerns.

Course Objectives:
(1)   To establish an NSTP framework that is anchored to the university’s goals of academic excellence and service to the Filipino nation
(2)   To give an overview and understanding of the Philippine condition
(3)   To impart basic competencies in community service including disaster preparedness, environmental care, necessary to serve the AFP Reserve force (for ROTC graduates) and the National Service Reserve Corps or NSRC (for CWTS and LTS graduates)

Course Duration: Minimum of 25 hours

I.  The UPD NSTP Orientation
  • Review: What is NSTP?
  • NSTP History, Law and IRR
  • Introduction to the UPD NSTP Common Module and the Tatak UP Framework
  • History of UP as Public Service Institution
II.  Understanding the Self and Others
  • The Individual, Community and Society
  • Being and Becoming
  • Citizenship Training: Responsibility to the Self and Society
III.  Philippine Society and Culture
  • Philippine History and Condition
  • Philippine Society and Culture
  • National Situation (including Drug Situation and Education and National Concerns)
IV.  Citizenship and Nationalism
  • Nation, Nationalism and Nation-building
  • Citizenship Training
  • Individual and Collective participation in shaping society
V.  Human Dignity and Rights
  • The history and concept of rights
  • Libertarian rights and the Common Good
  • The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
  • Human Rights Situation in the Philippines
VI.  Gender Sensitivity
  • Basic Concepts of Gender Education
  • Gender Situation and Key Issues
  • Trends and History of Gender Movements
  • Gender Advocacy
VII.  Environmental Advocacy
  • Basic Concepts in Environment Studies
  • Environmental Situation and Key Issues
  • Advocacies
VIII.  Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
  • Basic concepts and perspectives of disaster
  • Key issues
  • Programs and preparedness (including First Aid)
IX.  Community Service
  • Fundamentals of Community Service
  • The concept of Service and Servant/Participatory Leadership
  • Approaches and methods in Community Organizing
  • Basic attitudes in Community Work
X.  Towards a Meaningful Transformation
  • Evaluation and assessment
  • Debriefing
  • Summary and Conclusion
