Friday, May 19, 2017

Philippe Halsman, Dali Atomicus (1948)

Dear Comrades in Art Studies,

This famous portrait of Salvador Dali was made before Photoshop was invented. So, how'd Halsman do it? "Assistants, including Halsman's wife and young daughter Irene, stood out of the frame and, on the photographer's count, threw three cats and a bucket of water into the air while Dali leaped up. It took the assembled cast 26 takes to capture a composition that satisfied Halsman." Twenty-six takes?! I don't know whom to feel more sorry for: the cats for being tossed about like that or the hoomins tasked with tossing them about.

Anyway, I miss you all to bits and really wish we didn't have to do this. Your exam question are below. All the readings you need are at the sidebar.


