Sunday, May 24, 2009

Happy (what's left of) Summer from AS2 X4! :)


And another! Pictures courtesy of Jonathan. (Add niyo siya sa multiply, hehe.)

Thanks for the wonderful summer, guys! I'll miss you. Be good and see you around! :)


P.S.: I'll have your grades in by the 29th. Will be emailing over the next couple of days when everything's in.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Re fieldtrip

Dear students,

I really hope that the majority of you will join the field trip tomorrow. It's the peak season for tours and our bus was reserved weeks ago. If we don't make at least 20 participants, the field trip--ours and the other class'--won't push through at all and there'll be a penalty. Field trips are fun and educational but they also involve serious organizing. I hope you understand.


Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Hello, dear students! Thank you so much for the kind wishes and understanding. I'm feeling better now--thank goodness!--but still a little too wobbly for crossing the street, climbing stairs, etc. and will have to put off school til tomorrow (Friday). I hope everyone will be there because we'll be discussing some changes in the requirements. For those who sent in their midterms, I'll email you later today. For those who haven't yet, it's fine. Summer's too short to be terroristic and you really are all lovely students.

In related news: This Saturday's field trip is pushing through. We'll be joining Sir Jeff's class. I hope that most of us can come (to make up for the lost meetings--Sorry!). Please see the itinerary below:

May 16, 2009

6:00 am Assembly (AS Steps)

6:30 Expected Time of Departure(ETD)

8:00 Blanco Gallery and Family Museum
Angono Street Murals
Second Gallery

1:30 pm Paete Walking Tour

Pakil Walking Tour
Dalena House

5:00 ETD for UP Diliman

8:30 Expected Time of Arrival(ETA) UP Diliman

Selling Rate per Pax(SRP):

No. of Participants With Lunch
35-40 pax Php 1,000.00
41- 46 pax 950.00


From your sick puppy teacher:

Can we move the deadline for midterms submission to May 18? I don't think it's such a good idea for me to stay up tonight because I really REALLY want to be well enough to meet you tomorrow. Such bad timing, getting sick towards the end of the sem, and I'm endlessly thankful for your understanding.


P.S.: All other requirements will be due on or before May 22.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Midterm exam questions

Hello, wonderful summer peeps! Please click HERE for your midterm exam questions and other stuff you need to know. Happy long weekend and see you Monday. :)

And a little something for the Neil Gaiman-lovers out there:
