Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Hello, dear students! Thank you so much for the kind wishes and understanding. I'm feeling better now--thank goodness!--but still a little too wobbly for crossing the street, climbing stairs, etc. and will have to put off school til tomorrow (Friday). I hope everyone will be there because we'll be discussing some changes in the requirements. For those who sent in their midterms, I'll email you later today. For those who haven't yet, it's fine. Summer's too short to be terroristic and you really are all lovely students.

In related news: This Saturday's field trip is pushing through. We'll be joining Sir Jeff's class. I hope that most of us can come (to make up for the lost meetings--Sorry!). Please see the itinerary below:

May 16, 2009

6:00 am Assembly (AS Steps)

6:30 Expected Time of Departure(ETD)

8:00 Blanco Gallery and Family Museum
Angono Street Murals
Second Gallery

1:30 pm Paete Walking Tour

Pakil Walking Tour
Dalena House

5:00 ETD for UP Diliman

8:30 Expected Time of Arrival(ETA) UP Diliman

Selling Rate per Pax(SRP):

No. of Participants With Lunch
35-40 pax Php 1,000.00
41- 46 pax 950.00


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