Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Dear comrades in Art Studies,

As we all know, the semester is drawing to a close and so some reminders are in order:
  1. All requirements (i.e., reaction paper/s and creative outputs) should be in no later than October 20.
  2. Reaction papers may be emailed--save the trees, remember? You shall receive an acknowledgment (via email) if I receive it. If you don't, please resend or leave a hard copy at my pigeonhole at the Art Studies office, Rm. 2092, Faculty Center.
  3. There is only one reaction paper requirement but you may submit more than one for extra credit. The format is still 3-5 double-spaced pages, Times New Roman, 12 points. Follow the link at the left sidebar for guide questions. (Answer only those that you find applicable, of course.)
  4. Creative outputs should be left at my pigeonhole. IMPORTANT: The more creative, the better. But please PLEASE remember that substance comes first. Seriously, you can throw in everything, including the kitchen sink, if called for.
For more inquiries/concerns, please feel free to call, text, or email.

I'll miss you.



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