Friday, May 24, 2013

Some adjustments

Dear comrades in Art Studies,

May I suggest that we reset the date of submission of "hard" creative compilations to May 28 (Tuesday)? Obviously, it is physically impossible for you to leave your work at my pigeonhole at the office of the Art Studies department this weekend. Also, the office is closed Mondays for the month of May. All email-able submissions, however, should be in by Sunday 23:59:59 so that I can have your grades (sorry) in by the 31st. Apologies for any inconvenience and I hope it's okay with you. (Please leave comments at the board.)


UPDATE (May 31): For "hard" submission purposes, the world is divided into two: (1) my pigeonhole at the office and (2) the rest of the world. Many thanks for your compliance! :)

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Van Eyck, Courbet, van Gogh, and Rembrandt say...

Dear comrades in Awesome Sauce,

Your exam questions are HERE. Have fun! :)


Friday, May 10, 2013

Everything's better with cats! :D

Dear comrades in Art Studies,

As we near the last leg of our time together (huhuhu), here are some important dates and things to remember:

May 13 - ELECTION DAY For those who are voting, I am sure that you will do so wisely and with love for the less fortunate.
May 14 - NO CLASSES For those who are poll-watching and will be all nerves about the outcome--like myself, hehe.
May 16 - Back to regular programming and start of group reporting
16-21 - Group reporting
23 - Uploading of exam questions here (
26 - All requirements (i.e., exam answers, reaction papers, compilations) should be in. Please save the trees and submit exam answers and reaction papers via email. Creative compilations should be left at my pigeonhole at the office of the Department of Art Studies, Faculty Center 2092.

The outline for the Oral Group Reports is as follows:
A. History (World, then zeroing in on the Philippines)
B. Definition of terms
C. Types and examples
D. MOST IMPORTANT: Problems, issues, and challenges faced
The emphasis for all topics should be how art and culture are expressed in the institutions (ex: For "Household," the household is composed of both structures and interpersonal relations so please discuss this. There are many kinds of households depending on your chosen focus: one may be the possible variations (ex. the traditional "extended," "nuclear," dormitories, etc.; OR class as in upper/middle/lower; etc.). How is culture expressed in these formations? Feel free to email or text me your questions/concerns at 0908 6249805.

The Creative Compilation is all your research compiled in a creative manner. This is still group work and you will be graded (sorry about the G-word) as a group.

For the Midterm Exam and other written work, Recitation and Attendance, grades (sorry again) will be individual.

For the One Reaction Paper requirement, your topic may be anything we saw in class (e.g., City of God, the Dr. Who episode, Dreamweavers, Vargas Museum exhibit, etc.). The paper should be 3-5 pages short, double-spaced, TNR 12 pts. As with the "Midterm Exams," please email. I shall reply as soon as I receive them. If I don't reply, please resend and/or message me.

If I forgot anything, please email or message. I can't wait to see you all again!

