Friday, May 24, 2013

Some adjustments

Dear comrades in Art Studies,

May I suggest that we reset the date of submission of "hard" creative compilations to May 28 (Tuesday)? Obviously, it is physically impossible for you to leave your work at my pigeonhole at the office of the Art Studies department this weekend. Also, the office is closed Mondays for the month of May. All email-able submissions, however, should be in by Sunday 23:59:59 so that I can have your grades (sorry) in by the 31st. Apologies for any inconvenience and I hope it's okay with you. (Please leave comments at the board.)


UPDATE (May 31): For "hard" submission purposes, the world is divided into two: (1) my pigeonhole at the office and (2) the rest of the world. Many thanks for your compliance! :)


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